After having kids, phone conversations don't seem quite enough for our families. We get to look down every day and see both of our little ones change, so hopefully this will give those of you who are far away a little glimpse into our view from up here.
Our View From Up Here
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Busy Ball Popper
This is a Christmas present Kyla got. She's really just starting to figure out how cool it is.
Picture Time
Our fun week started out with a snow storm, and our first swim class got cancelled. I was bummed! Now we have to wait until next week to start.
This morning we had Kyla's 6 month pictures taken. She did well after she "warmed up" to the photographer. We took the dog along. I had all these wonderful visions of how cute Kyla and Mason would be and all the great photos we would get off them... it didn't turn out so great. Mason did not sit or stay or listen. We got a few decent pictures of the two of them, but they didn't really look at the camera at the same time. I think we have to work on Mason's manners.
The website to view our pictures is: Go to "children and families" then click on "online viewing and ordering" Choose my name. The passwork is: kylamae
This morning we had Kyla's 6 month pictures taken. She did well after she "warmed up" to the photographer. We took the dog along. I had all these wonderful visions of how cute Kyla and Mason would be and all the great photos we would get off them... it didn't turn out so great. Mason did not sit or stay or listen. We got a few decent pictures of the two of them, but they didn't really look at the camera at the same time. I think we have to work on Mason's manners.
The website to view our pictures is: Go to "children and families" then click on "online viewing and ordering" Choose my name. The passwork is: kylamae
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Happy Half-Birthday
Today Kyla is 6 months old! She is so much fun right now and loves to play. She can sit up like a pro and is very interested in anything you put in front of her. We've recently discovered she can sit in high chairs at restaurants, and today was the first time she rode in her stroller sitting up (vs. just snapping the carseat in.) We went shopping in Des Moines and she loved strolling through the mall!
Now we've got a fun week ahead... Tomorrow evening we start baby/parent swim class. Tuesday is Kyla's 6 month pictures (we're going to attempt to take the dog along, should be interesting). Then on friday is her 6 month Dr. appointment.
Since this blog is my way of journaling our memories, here's some fun Kyla facts:
-She usually sleeps 11 hours at night (about 8:30pm-7:30am).
-She takes 2-3 decent naps during the day.
-She's good at falling asleep. We just put her in her crib with her paci, and turn on some music. She's snoozing in no time!
-She's moving into 6-9mo clothes, although some 3-6mo clothes still fit.
-She loves to blow spit bubbles and drool and squeal.
-She eats 2 "meals" per day (we've had rice cereal, bananas, avacados, sweet potatoes, apples... so far I've made all of her baby food).
-Avacados are definately her favorite food.
-She nurses about 5 times a day.
-People always comment about how happy she is.
-Her favorite toy right now is a little crab bath toy.
-She goes to the church nursery because she's noisy and squirmy.
-She finally stopped spitting up.
-She's still pretty much bald except for the 10 long hairs on top of her head.
-She doesn't have any teeth yet. I thought some were going to pop through on the bottom, but they went away.
That's about all I can think of for now. I'll post her pics and her Dr. appt. stats later this week.
Now we've got a fun week ahead... Tomorrow evening we start baby/parent swim class. Tuesday is Kyla's 6 month pictures (we're going to attempt to take the dog along, should be interesting). Then on friday is her 6 month Dr. appointment.
Since this blog is my way of journaling our memories, here's some fun Kyla facts:
-She usually sleeps 11 hours at night (about 8:30pm-7:30am).
-She takes 2-3 decent naps during the day.
-She's good at falling asleep. We just put her in her crib with her paci, and turn on some music. She's snoozing in no time!
-She's moving into 6-9mo clothes, although some 3-6mo clothes still fit.
-She loves to blow spit bubbles and drool and squeal.
-She eats 2 "meals" per day (we've had rice cereal, bananas, avacados, sweet potatoes, apples... so far I've made all of her baby food).
-Avacados are definately her favorite food.
-She nurses about 5 times a day.
-People always comment about how happy she is.
-Her favorite toy right now is a little crab bath toy.
-She goes to the church nursery because she's noisy and squirmy.
-She finally stopped spitting up.
-She's still pretty much bald except for the 10 long hairs on top of her head.
-She doesn't have any teeth yet. I thought some were going to pop through on the bottom, but they went away.
That's about all I can think of for now. I'll post her pics and her Dr. appt. stats later this week.
Monday, January 18, 2010

Kyla continues to be a happy little girl and gets more fun to play with all the time. She loves to sit up so she can see everything. She falls over on a regular basis, but doesn't seem to mind usually. Yesterday she had a bad day, falling over and bumping her head, but she recovered quickly! She's also developing a little girl grin that's pretty cute.
Tonight we introduced yams to her diet. She doesn't love them as much as avacados, but she did eat it all. I'm trying to make my own baby food. So far we've tried avacados, bananas, and now yams. She isn't a fan of bananas, or apple juice. Apparently she hasn't inherited her mom's sweet tooth, which is probably a good thing!

Kyla had her first big girl bath the other day. Up until now we had been using the baby bath tub, but she finds it much more exciting to sit on her own and play with the toys. We used a towel on the bottom of the tub so it wasn't slippery. She loves it! (Notice the baby rolls... she really doesn't eat THAT much, we just grow 'em chunky in this family! We're more cuddly that way :)

I just took this picture a couple minutes ago... I was sitting on the floor folding laundry, left the room for a minute, and Kyla had grabbed the laudry basket (which was kinda behind her) and managed to start taking out the clothes and throwing them on the floor! Not even 6 months old and already a little terror!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Late Christmas Gift
On Thursday, Greg and I received our Christmas present to each other. We finally got a laptop! We still have my old HP that I got for high school graduation 6 years ago... but it was time for an upgrade. And now I can sit on he couch while checking my favorite websites (yahoo, facebook, farmville, blogspot...) I'm not so sure it's the best thing I could be doing, but right now Kyla's napping and the laundry can wait.
I have a story to tell... yesterday I came home from the gym (Anytime Fitness) and our kitchen looks like it's half torn apart, and Greg is just standing there saying "I'm sorry." I have no idea what was happening. It turns out that Greg was horsing around trying to make Kyla laugh as she was sitting in the highchair in the kitchen. Greg slipped on the kitchen floor, and his foot went through the wall, busting the sheet rock. He wasn't hurt, just mad, and was trying to see if he could fix it. All I could say was "It's kinda funny!"
To add to the story... our dog,Mason, gets super stressed out about some things like tools, vacuums, brooms, which were all out yesterday. At one point, when Greg had the shopVac out to vacuum up the sheet rock mess, Mason was hiding in Kyla's room shivering. He sneaks around the house trying to avoid these "scary" items and it wears him out. He was having a better day today until... he fell off the back of the couch! He was just walking up there like he always does, then all the sudden down he went. I made sure he was okay and gave him some lovin'. He had his episode of shivering for awhile, I played with him to cheer him up, and now he's cuddled up by me sleeping, which he'll probably do all day, trying to recover from the stress. Poor little dog...
I have a story to tell... yesterday I came home from the gym (Anytime Fitness) and our kitchen looks like it's half torn apart, and Greg is just standing there saying "I'm sorry." I have no idea what was happening. It turns out that Greg was horsing around trying to make Kyla laugh as she was sitting in the highchair in the kitchen. Greg slipped on the kitchen floor, and his foot went through the wall, busting the sheet rock. He wasn't hurt, just mad, and was trying to see if he could fix it. All I could say was "It's kinda funny!"
To add to the story... our dog,Mason, gets super stressed out about some things like tools, vacuums, brooms, which were all out yesterday. At one point, when Greg had the shopVac out to vacuum up the sheet rock mess, Mason was hiding in Kyla's room shivering. He sneaks around the house trying to avoid these "scary" items and it wears him out. He was having a better day today until... he fell off the back of the couch! He was just walking up there like he always does, then all the sudden down he went. I made sure he was okay and gave him some lovin'. He had his episode of shivering for awhile, I played with him to cheer him up, and now he's cuddled up by me sleeping, which he'll probably do all day, trying to recover from the stress. Poor little dog...
Monday, January 4, 2010
Growing Girl
I took this video last week when Kyla was just over 5 months old... she's quite strong! She continues to change all the time.
As if I don't get made fun of enough for being au natural... I started adding avacados to her cereal at night. I've read they are really healthy and easy to prepare for babies- you just cut them up and mash them. Kyla actually eats it pretty well. Greg is just completely grossed out by it! But, he's not a fan of really anything that's green!
Today I signed Kyla and I up for parent/baby swim lessons. I'm quite excited about this since I practically grew up in the pool, which was right across the street from our house. We start class the end of January! I'm pretty sure Kyla will like it since she loves being in the bath tub!
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