Our Pastor, at Fist CRC in Sioux Falls, has been preaching on the 10 Commandments for the last several weeks. It's actually been really exciting for me. I was taught the 10 Commandments early in life- mostly being told to memorize them and their simple meanings, but I don't know if I've ever studied them deeper.
This morning the sermon was about the 9th Commandment- "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor" (Exodus 20:16).
Why is it so satisfying to the human race to talk about each other? I am totally guilty of the "did-you-hears" and the "did-you-knows". I understand that a person may be genuinely concerned, but there is a fine line between concern and gossip. I need to work on avoiding gossip, judgment and labeling people-- don't we all need to work on this?
I also want to share a song that was sung after a baby's baptism this morning. Songs almost always have an impact on me. Play me any song, and I have a memory connected to it. This song brings me back to the weekend that our friend, Nick, was living his last hours on this earth--
As I sat in the pew, a tear trickled down my face, and I was reminded- that despite all the evil and sadness in this world, that even though friends may die, families may break, and communities get hurt- there are so many reasons to keep living, to keep trusting God, and to stay strong in faith. Why give up?