Our View From Up Here

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ba ba ba ba

Kyla is really starting to jabber! She isn't shy, that's for sure! She makes her presence known where ever we are.
FYI- in the middle of this video, she gets distracted by the dog. And please excuse the belch at the end!
Today Kyla drank some diluted apple juice from a sippy cup for the first time! Up until now, she wouldn't have anything to do with juice. She would just make a bitter face and act like it was too tart. But, we're getting there. It's nice that she can have little "snacks" and not have to nurse as often. She still loves to eat her veggies and will eat some fruits, if you sneak them in.
Today is Monday, and again the weather is bad. Swim class was cancelled for the second time in three weeks. Disappointing!
I work every day this week through Friday (thankfully some are only 4 hour shifts), and then we are meeting my parents and sister in Omaha for the weekend! I'm so excited to have a little mini-vacation. Work has been so busy and stressful lately. It's time to get away and enjoy some time with my hubby and baby and the family!

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