Our View From Up Here

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snot Happens

Kyla still has her nasty cold, and it is messy! Half-way through the day and everything Kyla has come in contact with has snot all over it- my clothes, her clothes, the high chair, the toys, and the dog! It doesn't matter how much I suction or wipe her nose (which she hates!) it just keeps running. Her cough is also terrible and usually makes her gag from all the sputum she can't get up. But... she still acts like her happy self and she hasn't had any fevers, so we'll just deal with it.
Tomorrow Kyla will be 7 months old! She has mastered sitting, and "falling" gracefully. She's not anywhere near crawling though. She won't feed herself either. I've tried to give her little peices of food, but she just drops them on the floor if she gets a hold of them at all, so we'll stick with the baby food for now. She still loves avacados, and also likes bananas, squash, sweet potaoes, carrots, and pears. We're working on beans and peas, she's not real excited about either one.
She loves to talk! Most often you will hear her saying "Baa", "Mum", or "Da" or just squeal and scream, which is entertaning as well. She knows she's funny and will wait for your response, then laugh with you... so cute!! She is very interested in everything she isn't supposed to have, like TV remotes, cell phones, dog toys, and paper. And she shows her worst temper when you take them away!
I can hear her right now waking up from her nap, talking, and playing with her pacifier. So I guess that's it for today...

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