...Tina was in Bethlehem, just a few weeks before she died... The place in which Jesus was born. The place in which continual forgiveness of sins originated. That is so amazing.
The nativity scene seems "Christmasy" at first, but really, why not be reminded throughout the year that God sent his son for everyone, to later die for our sins?
Lately I'm feeling a bit distressed. I try to be a good person, and I strive to stay positive in everything. But, life is tough. Sometimes I seem to wonder: if God is present to make our lives great, why does he allow such misery? Maybe I'm just letting the misery get to me. (side note- I looked up the definition of misery: "unhappy or very uncomfortable, depressed") Yep... that's me (not all the time, but sometimes.)
Tina was a wonderful Christian. You could see it in her smile. Positive... she was so positive. If everyone were like Tina, I swear the world would be nearly perfect... never on time, but happy. :)
I look upon this little wooden ornament and am not only reminded to thank God for sending Jesus to earth, but to also thank Him for sending Tina.
When I die, I hope people say half the nice things they had to say about Tina. Therefore, I shall not let the misery of life get the best of me. I will stay positive, non-judgemental, and over-all happy! I pray that also for anyone else struggling with the stresses of life.
Man, I miss Tina. I wish she were here to cheer me through my struggles and goals... and for so, so many other things.
For God so loved the world...not because it is perfect; but because it is his; and he loves it because of us...yup, us.
ReplyDeleteGod only knows us truly- who we really are, we can't hide that from him...he knows; but yet he loves us so; you and me.
What a God! I love him so.
You 2:-)