Our View From Up Here

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Warning: I am very open here. I am emotionally wrecked. Don't read this if you can't handle it.

I'm 25 years old. You know me- young, married, busy, pregnant.
My dad is requesting a divorce from my mom. When my mom was my age, her dad died in an accident. Is there similarities between these two facts? Maybe?
At least I CAN talk to my dad if I want to. But, he did something wrong.
My grandpa didn't do anything wrong.
My dad is not "here" in some senses either- as a husband, as a role-model dad, as a lively Christian.
Some might argue that my grandpa wasn't the most ideal man in the world either, but he did what was right.

I am mad. I don't know what to do. I don't want to talk to anyone. My parents are getting divorced. I looked through my phone list and couldn't find anyone I wanted to talk to... I, of course, am mad at my dad and maybe a little at my mom. Maybe they could have done something sooner? I am also questioning why God would let this happen to one if His marriages.

My mom, of course, is having a bad night. Her siblings are with her, for this I am thankful...
I can't be there with my mom. Not only do I have to take care of Kyla, I need to take care of myself and my emotions. I can't supply them to anyone. This is hard.
My dad seems to be fine. He went back to work after he stopped in to tell my mom he wanted a divorce. No emotion there.

I don't know why the comparison of my dad and grandpa are going through my head. It's probably kinda weird, but I need something to focus on.

Any recomendations? I probably need a therapist because I have no idea what to do, how to forgive, what to focus on.

1 comment:

  1. I really wish I knew what to say...I get it that this really sucks. I just know that I miss you so incredibly much, and just hope that you know that I am thinking about you a lot, and praying for your family.
