Our View From Up Here

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let's talk about me

I am still very mad at my dad for his choices and actions. I still don't get what his intentions are. He doesn't want to be married to my mom- I get that, albeit foolish. But, what's even more foolish is how he is now spending his spare time. Now, I'm just disappointed in him.

BUT... that's not going to be the subject of today's blog... Let's cover the other aspects of my life. How about we start with Kyla Mae.
She is 19 1/2 months old and although she's beginning to become naughty, she amazes me and makes me laugh. She LOVES to talk. Constantly. She gives play-by-play dictation as our lives unfold, and she's very observant. The other day, while watching Mason visit his outdoor bathroom, she informed me- "Mason poop outside. Daddy poop in potty. Kyla poop diaper." She's right... sparty pants.
Today, she decided to pack a bag, swing it over her shoulder, and head to the door where she put on her boots and hat and said "Bye guys. Love you!" :)
Her ability to memorize books is quite impressive too.
Our next goal- potty training. We've gotten a little potty and some Elmo panties, but haven't been real serious about it yet. She has pooped in the potty once, but no pee. Maybe in another couple months we'll buckle down.

My pregnancy is going well. I am 15 weeks along and have my appetite back. I had a doctor appointment yesterday and the baby's heart rate sounded good. Nothing else to really report. In another month we will have an ultrasound and find out if it is a boy or girl. I have taken the predictor questionnaires and checked the ancient Chinese calendars and all signs point to "boy". I think it's a boy, but I actually want another girl. We'll see...

About a month ago, I got braces put on my teeth- it's been worse than I expected with all my extra apparatuses. My most recent addition is a jaw spreader which is on the roof of my mouth. Every other night, I have to turn it so it will slowly widen my top jaw and make room for all my teeth. It's painful and food gets stuck and my tongue is raw from rubbing against it. Plus, it gives me a speech impediment. But... that's the sacrifice for beauty. It was my choice, so I'm toughing it out.

Work is busy right now as we begin the transition from paper charts to computer charting. Us nurses have to abstract all of the paper information into the computer, which is very time consuming and pretty boring. It's created quite a bit of overtime work. The pay is good, but I really don't find it enjoyable. I do what I can, but would rather be home with Greg and Kyla.

Greg continues to work night shift, but he is being changed to day shift next week. I don't know that I'll love that. For one thing, it means I have to get up earlier and bring Kyla to daycare. On the other hand, I'll get to see Greg more in the evenings. It'll be a good change.

One last topic- I am sick of winter! I just LONG for summer. So many fun things to do- walk, swim, play in the yard, bike trails, go to the zoo, go to the park, the dog park, maybe go camping. We won't have much vacation time with my maternity leave to save up for, but anything is better than being couped-up in the house all the time. I cannot wait and I know Kyla will love being outdoors more!
The baby is expected to arrive at the very end of August. The time is going fast already, but, I'm going to enjoy every minute!


  1. Ha ha! Kyla sounds just like Carson giving the play-by-plays. The things they say are so funny! Can't wait to find out what you're having! My guess is boy too. :) Glad you have your appetite back!

  2. I got braces, too and they hurt for a while. I'm getting them tightened on Tuesday:( hoping for the best for both of us! Ya know, little boys are fun too! (just ask the big sis of 2 of them)
