Our View From Up Here

Monday, January 4, 2010

Growing Girl

I took this video last week when Kyla was just over 5 months old... she's quite strong! She continues to change all the time.
As if I don't get made fun of enough for being au natural... I started adding avacados to her cereal at night. I've read they are really healthy and easy to prepare for babies- you just cut them up and mash them. Kyla actually eats it pretty well. Greg is just completely grossed out by it! But, he's not a fan of really anything that's green!
Today I signed Kyla and I up for parent/baby swim lessons. I'm quite excited about this since I practically grew up in the pool, which was right across the street from our house. We start class the end of January! I'm pretty sure Kyla will like it since she loves being in the bath tub!


  1. Wow, is she sitting already? You sat by yourself at 5 months old. Doing the swimming class sounds like fun! Take care. --Love Mom

  2. She is doing very good, sitting already. She will enertain herself even more now. She is growing up really fast. Love, Grandma

  3. I just checked back and realized the little video, thats cute. Grandma
